Spend less time mowing and more time enjoying nature It’s got round to the grass cutting season again and if your lawn is like mine, it’s romping away. Instead of mowing it all, have you ever considered leaving a bit for wildlife. Less mowing in the name of wildlife conservation – talk about a win – win! In the UK we have lost a staggering 95% of our species rich meadows. As farming became more professional, the relatively unproductive meadows made way for intensive cropping. Gains in productivity have led to losses in wild flowers, insects and birds that depend on the traditional... read more
Read on if you’d like some simple, practical advice on how to plant an economical wildlife friendly hedge from native species. There’s lots of fancy-pants ornamental hedging species out there for horticulturally aesthetic gardening that I’m not covering here. Read on if you’re interested in planting an agricultural-style hedge for your cottage garden or field boundary. What species of hedge should I plant? Always go for native species if you want to give our wildlife a helping hand. Native plants are far more helpful to our ecosystem than imported exotics. It stands to reason that if a plant has grown... read more