Everyone knows time in nature is good for our health and wellbeing. What better environment to stimulate social bonding, creativity, great conversations and life-long memories for your work colleagues.
Golden Experience
Think of the social responsibility kudos if your company visited a local school/nursing home and improved the grounds for biodiversity. You might make bird and bat boxes, build some bug hotels, perhaps you’d plant a hedge or some trees, maybe create a species rich grassland or dig a pond. We could design an education pack on your headed paper, outlining the work you’ve done to encourage people to look out for the wildlife. We might inspire some citizen-science recording like the RSPB Big Bird Watch, or the Big Butterfly Count.
Toyota staff building bird and bat boxes
Your group could learn/enhance skills being hands-on as a team-building/problem-solving exercise. In my opinion, there are few things more rewarding than improving biodiversity and enabling people to appreciate and enjoy it. I can facilitate a nature improvement programme at a variety of locations, including; vineyards, nature reserves, private estates, areas of outstanding natural beauty, farms, schools and nursing homes.
Filling a bug hotel
David Attenborough said “People are not going to worry about nature conservation unless they value wildlife”. Your business might inspire many more people to do their bit for nature too.
David Attenborough
Silver Experience
Other practical tasks could include countryside estate maintenance, such as bridge building, scrub cutting, removal of invasive weeds, building fences, hanging access gates and laying easy access paths for the less abled members of our society.
Bronze Experience
At the simplest level, I can lead your group on an informative guided walk, tailored to your needs and group ability. Having managed some of the most beautiful places in Surrey, I know all the best routes to include; breath-taking views, veteran trees, outstanding nature and places of historic interest.
I have a long track record of entertaining corporate groups in the countryside, both in my previous role with the National Trust and in my current role as business owner. Clients include; car manufacturers, banking institutions, petrochemical companies, airlines, communication companies etc.
Robust risk assessments and method statements will be agreed with all parties to ensure our time together is safe and enjoyable.
I am open to suggestions if you’d like me to tailor the day to your needs. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact.
Andrew Wright, Countryside Manager
07770 887682